MLK Health Careers Scholarship


"Life's most persistent and urgent question is, 'What are you doing for others?'"  - Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.


The MLK Health Careers Scholarship is awarded to two North Brunswick High School seniors who plan to pursue careers in healthcare. The scholarship is supported by local health professionals, small business owners, and community members who recognize that by investing in our youth, we are investing in the future of Leland.


Any North Brunswick High School senior planning to pursue a health degree program is encouraged to apply! We prioritize those who come from low-income and minority backgrounds and those who will be first-generation college students. More details about applying can be found on the Applicants page.

MLK Day of Service

Martin Luther King Jr. Day is an opportunity for community members to work together to solve our society's most pressing challenges. In recognition of this day of service, our donors contribute up to 100% of the revenue collected at their place of business on MLK Day to the scholarship fund. Dr. King's life and work exemplifies the spirit of the scholarship and the message of service that we hope our recipients will embrace as they pursue careers in healthcare.

Addressing Local Needs

We aim to alleviate financial barriers to higher education for local students who might otherwise be unable to pursue a secondary degree. By prioritizing applicants who plan to complete a health degree, the MLK Scholarship also works to address healthcare workforce shortages. Learn more about how the MLK Scholarship addresses community needs here.

Congratulations to our 2021 recipients!

“I am proud to say that I received the MLK Health Careers Scholarship, and it has been a significant aid in my college career. I attend Winston-Salem State University, previously majoring in Pre-Nursing but I decided to switch my major to Mathematics, with the desire to study biostatistics. Thus far, I have had a wonderful experience at Winston-Salem State University, and I am excited to continue my journey in achieving more. I have maintained a GPA of over 3.5, allowing me to be listed on WSSU Dean's List of Fall 2022. I have also been invited to join the University's Phi Eta Sigma Honor Society, where I plan to make contributions to my community.” -2022 recipient Za’Kiya Toomer-Sanders, Winston-Salem State University Class of 2026

"Receiving the MLK Health Careers Scholarship has helped me be able to focus on my academics without constantly worrying about the cost of college. I am currently on track to graduate from NC State
in 2024 with a BA in Biology and hope to attend graduate school to become a Physician's Assistant. Coming from a larger family, I always knew that I would need to seek out assistance for the cost of higher education. Applying for and receiving a scholarship that benefits the community I grew up in exceeded my greatest expectations. In the past year especially, the world has seen an increasing need for a sense of community in order to thrive, and this scholarship is a great way for the community to support local students like myself."  -2020 recipient Ariana Fowler, NC State University Class of 2024

"Without scholarship patrons willing to support education, students such as myself would be unable to attend college. Thank you for the vote of confidence in my ability to contribute to the medical field in the future. I am committed to my education and to the medical field, and I am one step closer to my dreams thanks to you." -2020 recipient Bailey Smith, UNC-Chapel Hill Class of 2024

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